Jardines de tipo clasicista creados en los años treinta en el lugar que ocupaban las caballerizas construidas por Sabatini para el Palacio Real, de ahí el nombre. Situados frente a la fachada norte del Palacio Real y promovidos durante la Segunda República, los jardines se terminaron de construir tras la Guerra Civil.
Su carácter arquitectónico y ornamental como extensión del Palacio Real aumentó al disponerse en ellos varias de las esculturas que estaban destinadas a decorar la cornisa del Palacio. De diseño geométrico, su privilegiada situación los convierten en uno de los jardines más bellos del Madrid de los Austrias.
Si bien son espectaculares a cualquier hora del día, es al caer la noche cuando alcanzan su grado máximo de espectacularidad, pues nos encontramos en uno de los mejores lugares de Madrid para presenciar el crepúsculo. Desde el gran estanque rectangular del centro del Jardín, rodeado por fuentes, árboles y esculturas de mármol blanco, el visitante podrá contemplar cómo los tonos amarillos y rojizos cambian las tonalidades de las piedras grisáceas del Palacio y verá finalmente el sol esconderse tras la perspectiva de la Casa de Campo.
Gardens of classicist type created in the thirties in the place occupied by the stables built by Sabatini for the Royal Palace, hence the name. Located in front of the north facade of the Royal Palace and promoted during the Second Republic, the gardens were completed after the Civil War.
Gardens of classicist type created in the thirties in the place occupied by the stables built by Sabatini for the Royal Palace, hence the name. Located in front of the north facade of the Royal Palace and promoted during the Second Republic, the gardens were completed after the Civil War.
Its architectural and ornamental character as an extension of the Royal Palace increased when several sculptures were placed there that were intended to decorate the cornice of the Palace. Geometric design, its privileged situation make them one of the most beautiful gardens of the Madrid of the Austrias.
Although they are spectacular at any time of the day, it is at nightfall when they reach their maximum degree of spectacularity, because we are in one of the best places in Madrid to witness the twilight. From the large rectangular pond in the center of the Garden, surrounded by fountains, trees and white marble sculptures, the visitor will be able to see how the yellow and red tones change the tonalities of the gray stones of the Palace and finally the sun will be hidden behind the perspective of the cottage.
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